
Our upstairs room, for the 2 to 5 year olds, has been carefully designed to provide our children with plenty of opportunities to play and learn across all areas of their development. All the resources are within easy reach to allow them to choose what they want to play with, encouraging confidence through experiencing different environments from a young age. 

The space of the nursery compromises of; 

Our reception area which is a space to store the children’s coats and bags on their own pegs with a variety of important notice boards and our nursery library. 

The 3 main play rooms which are defined by there colour; 

The white room has open shelving to promote free choice of activity. This is also the room snack and lunch takes place where we encourage independence and responsibility of each child serving their own meals and drinks. 

The blue room has a water tray, sand tray, paint / arts station and sensory based play activities - a variety of engaging and stimulating recourses. Promoting children’s creativity.

The green room has our home corner which is often theme related, a piano, dressing up, book corner and a physical activity that changes each week. We also have access to The Uniting Church on a Wednesday and a Friday where we have bikes, trikes, soft play and much more.

Our outdoor area is self accessible during the main play session, which changes with the seasons and relates to our theme and topic. We also access the local community daily weather that be a nature walk, to the local shops, to feed the ducks or even to the park.

Our toilets are self accessible, but closely monitored. Including 3 toilets, a urinal, sinks and nappy changing facilities.

Our kitchen is used with children under adult supervision